Houseplants at Robin's Flower Pot
A unique selection
If you are looking for your first houseplant or are searching for one to add to your growing collection, you've come to the right place! We offer houseplants for all light conditions, and you are sure to find the perfect specimen to brighten your home. We prioritize easy-to-care-for varieties at reasonable prices and are happy to send you home with all the info you need to care for your new friend. They also make great gifts.
- Jades (several varieties)
- Lipstick Plants (Aeschynanthus)
- Spider Plants
- String of Hearts (Ceropegia)
- Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
- Croton
- Amaryllis
- Aloe Vera
- Assorted Succulents
- Pilea
- String of Pearls (Senecio)
- Christmas Cactus
- Streptocarcus
- Tradescantia
- Begonia Rex
- Cactus (several varities)
- Clivia
- Pepperomia
- Thanksgiving Cactus
- Fishbone cactus (Epiphyllum anguliger)
- Calathea & Croton
Featured Plant - Rex Begonia
The Rex Begonia is one of our favorites because of it's stunning foliage. The flowers are inconsequential, but this easy-case plant makes a lush statement or excels in shady spots outside during the summer. You can also add it as a bold accent in a mixed container with flowering begonias or other shade-loving annuals (ferns and impatiens would look amazing).
- Avoid direct sunlight
- Soil should be allowed to dry out between watering (they don't like to be soggy)
- Feed weekly during the growing season with Nature's Source all-purpose plant food
Potting Soil and Plant Accessories

A selection of Espoma specialty soils

Watering cans and decorative pots

Nature's Source all-purpose plant food