Robin's passion is growing just about anything, and is all-hands-on-deck from sunrise to sunset. Looking for her? Follow the dogs!
Chief waterer and all-around mechanical whiz. Ask him about Nature's Source or open mic nights!
Our frisbee junkie and hide-and-seek pro.
The wild child.
Happy go lucky (just don't interrupt her nap).
Newest member of the tribe, never without a ball toy.
We sure miss our greeter, escort, and stealer of Robin's coats.
Our fondest farewell.
Shy Ginger is a fixture of Greenhouse 3 each summer.
Willow is the sweet one, just don’t rub her belly.
Martha runs retail as well as participates in the year-round management of the business, and is our houseplant pro.
Jacque shares her boundless energy and enthusiasm for both gardening and helping our customers.
Designer of fresh cut flowers and dried wreaths. Loves learning about native plants.
Robin & Jim's son, Michael is responsible for the many beautiful rock features on the property.
This boy has got a lot to say and takes his greeting job very seriously!
From seeding to transplanting, Ashley always happy and willing to help with anything.
Diana creates such spectacular special-order containers, we dedicated a greenhouses to her!
Well known on the local gardening scene, Jeannine has shared her knowledge of perennials with many appreciative customers.
Ann's family ran Toothakers, a well-loved nursery in the area. She expertly hand-seeds our lettuce, squash, and cukes each spring.