We are often asked if we can make up something special for an occasion or an event. The answer is, YES! When you order from us, we harvest a beautiful assortment of in-season flowers and design a colorful vase arrangement or hand tied bouquet. You may specify color preferences and if scent is acceptable (or not), but please note that all flowers are grown by us and are subject to seasonal availability.
We accept orders as long as we have flowers to fill them from mid-May through September. Advance notice is appreciated.
To order, please call us at 207-779-7934 or use the Contact Us page.
Birthdays - Anniversaries - Engagements - Congratulations - Thank You - New Home - Sympathy - Just Because - and more!
Include a card message, request day and time for pickup at our location, or delivery (Starting at $15 within fifteen miles of our location).
Perfect for any occasion. Starting at $65.
More flowers, larger vase. Starting at $85.
Wrapped in paper, no vase. Starting at $30.
Contact us for current or upcoming availability and prices. Pickup or delivery is available.